Export Trophy 2019

ALGIERS - The Trophy For The Best Algerian Non-hydrocarbon Exporter For The Year 2019 Was Awarded On Thursday To The Private Company Bomare Company, Specializing In The Electronics Industry.

The awards ceremony for the 17th edition of this trophy, organized in Algiers by the World Trade Center Algiers (WTCA), took place in the presence of the Minister of Commerce, Kamel Rezig, and several members of the government and executives of different institutions and organizations.

"Bomare Company won this trophy which marks its 20th anniversary since the company was created on February 4, 2001 and it rewards the efforts of all the staff who will be motivated to export even more", declared its general manager, Ali Boumediene, specifying that in addition to the negotiations which are underway with a German partner, Bomare Company is already exporting to three European countries and two to Africa.

Three incentive prizes were also awarded by the jury: the first was won by SPA Biskra Ciment, specialized in the production of cement which carried out its first export operation in 2017, the second went to Tosialy Algeria, which is active in the steel industry with the production of reinforcing bars and wire rod, while the SARL Industrial Group Sidi Bendehiba, specializing in the manufacture of wire rod, for its part, won the 3rd prize of encouragement from the jury.

The first exporter trophy was awarded to SPA Agrana fruit Algéria, which is a subsidiary of an Austrian group specializing in the processing and export of fruit.

The special jury prize was awarded to SPA TAYAL, which specializes in the textile industries with an integrated industrial complex which includes 15 factories and which produces 750 tonnes of products.

Note that the jury committee is made up of representatives of WTCA, the national association of Algerian exporters (Anexal), the General Directorate of Customs, the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACI), the National Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Trade (Algex) and the Algerian Confederation of Citizen Employers (CAPC).


Debdeb and Taleb El Arbi border posts will open soon


During this event, the Minister of Commerce, underlined that the government put all the means to facilitate the export, in particular, through the fight against the bureaucracy.

Mr. Rezig also noted that "practically 99% of Algerian products are exportable and that operators only have to go to export", explaining that the listening commission installed at the level of the Ministry of Commerce was at available to exporters who can submit problems they encounter to it.

The minister also insisted on the efforts made by his department to simplify formalities and improve logistics, based on the results recorded in 2020 in terms of export revenues estimated at 2.6 billion dollars made in 6 months only, slightly more than the amount of exports during the 12 months of 2019.

The minister who said he was "optimistic" about reaching the target set for 2021, namely $ 5 billion in exports, without ruling out the possibility of exceeding it. "This will be done through concrete support measures for exporting companies," he underlines.

As such, Mr. Rezig announced the upcoming opening of the border posts of Debdeb in the wilaya of Illizi and that of Taleb Larbi in the wilaya of El Wadi, for the benefit of economic operators in order to further boost the export of Algerian products to foreign markets.

In addition, the minister mentioned the problem of the repatriation of currencies indicating that it was "supported" by the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Algeria with which his department works in collaboration to find a solution to this problem.

Source: APS

Our sincere thanks to the Sponsors and partners who contributed to the success of the 17th edition of the export trophy.
Our thanks also go to #CIC (international conference center).